Thursday, August 14, 2014


Nama : A-Tom
Lahir tanggal 23 Mei 1995
Tinggi/berat : 178cm62kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Diri sendiri, adik cowo
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Jalan-jalan
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Suka Semua~
 Peran dalam grup : Rap, maknae
Makanan/minuman favorit : Ramen! I like it!
 Kebiasaan yang berubah : Manner yang buruk (dalam bahasa korea pronounciation yang sama berarti tidak punya manner)
 Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Hari libur

Nama : Nakta
Lahir tanggal 24 April 1993

Tinggi/Berat : 185cm68kg

Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Kakak perempuan, Diri sendiri

Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Practice, nonton bioskop
Peran dalam grup : Vocal, anggota yang paling tinggi
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Perasaan menyesal. Lemot (tears)
Makanan/minuman favorit : Coca cola
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Tidak ada. Hanya mengulang-ulang sesuatu dan memikirkannya?
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Mobil

Nama : Sangdo
Lahir tanggal 2 Maret 1993
Tinggi/berat : 181cm63kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Kakak perempuan, Diri sendiri
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Bersantai di rumah, pergi ke Han river naik sepeda
Peran dalam grup : Vocal. Strong image. Mesin seni pribadi (?)
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Sering tertawa
Makanan/minuman favorit : Sashimi, sushi, soba, ramen dll
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Mengerutkan hidung. Dulu penglihatannya buruk sehingga
memakai kaca mata. Sekarang sudah tidak memakai kaca mata tapi kebiasaan mengerutkan hidung masih tersisa.
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Hatimu (fans)

Nama : P-Goon
Lahir tanggal 18 Oktober 1991
Tinggi/Berat : 176cm58kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Diri sendiri, adik perempuan
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Nonton bioskop, shopping, skateboard
Peran dalam grup : Leader
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Ramah
Makanan/minuman favorit : Kimchi, Sup lobak dan daging sapi, pocari sweat
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Sering melepas pakaian (gerah)
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Mobil

Nama : Xero
Lahir tanggal 2 Februari 1994
Tinggi/berat : 181cm61kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Kakak perempuan, Diri sendiri
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Shopping bersama member, excited membicarakan game,
makan bersama keluarga
Peran dalam grup : Posisinya adalah rap dan dance, tetapi fokus lebih banyak sebagai yang in charge performer dance (main dancer)
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Sosok diri sendiri yang sedang berusaha
Makanan/minuman favorit : Samgyopsal, kimchi stew, chicken
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Saat ini tidak ada
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Pakaian

Nama : Hansol
Lahir tanggal 15 Juni 1993
Tinggi/berat : 172cm61kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Diri sendiri. Ayah tinggal di daerah lain
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Siang hari menghabiskan waktu sendirian, sore bertemu
teman lalu pergi main ke cafe atau nonton bioskop. Pada saat sendirian pergi ke han river atau toko rekaman langka (old record).
Peran dalam grup : Performance dan suara khas dan keseksian. Sedang mengusahakannya(laugh)
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Tersadar bahwa dia bisa mengekspresikan dengan mata apa yang tersembunyi di dalam dirinya. Paling suka matanya. Look yang sensitif/peka.
Makanan/minuman favorit : Coklat
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Suka diam-diam naik ke pegangan tangga yang tinggi.
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Waktu bersama teman dan keluarga.

Nama : Bjoo
Lahir tanggal 8 Januari 1994
Tinggi/Berat : 175cm55kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Diri sendiri, adik perempuan, koko (anjing)
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Menciptakan lagu dengan jennissi hyung, belajar di online course, nonton bioskop
Peran dalam grup : Dancer, Vocal, laughing booster
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Periang dan cute, tapi dirinya sendiri berpikir dia seksi.
Makanan/minuman favorit : Yogurt
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Jika membaca buku akan ketiduran
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Mobil

Nama : Hojoon
Lahir tanggal 31 Oktober 1992
Tinggi/berat : 173cm55kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, 2 Kakak perempuan, Diri sendiri
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Bertemu teman, beli pakaian.
Peran dalam grup : Selain vocal dan dance, visual.
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Semua. I love myself (narsis nih)
Makanan/minuman favorit : Fried potato, cola
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Dialect! Ga sembuh2 (tears). Lalu, sering mengedipkan mata.
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Kepopuleran. Ingin dikenal banyak orang dengan cepat dalam sehari.

Nama : Seogoong
Lahir tanggal 1 Mei 1992
Tinggi/berat : 179cm65kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Diri sendiri, Adik perempuan
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Menonton film, pergi jalan-jalan/traveling.
Peran dalam grup : Main vocal
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Memiliki kepercayaan diri, dan jujur. Dan suara yang bagus.
Makanan/minuman favorit : Makanan daging, sushi, chicken. Minuman yaitu cola dan MiLKiS, pocari sweat, welch dll              
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Kadang-kadang mengelupas kuku jari.
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Jadi MC acara musik dan Mobil

Nama : Gohn
Lahir tanggal 1 Agustus 1992
Tinggi/berat : 183cm68kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Kakak laki-laki, Diri sendiri
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Biasanya menciptakan lagu, pergi bersantai ke cafe dengan member.
Peran dalam grup : Song writer dan main vocal.
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Sisi relax dirinya yg menikmati tenggelam dalam musik di ruang kerja.
Makanan/minuman favorit : Makanan sushi dan donburi, soba. Minuman american coffee,Yoghurt, smoothie
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Saat nervous suka menggigit ujung kuku.
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Taylor gitar

Nama : Yano
Lahir tanggal 27 September 1995
Tinggi/berat : 178cm58kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Kakak perempuan, Diri sendiri
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Practice, menciptakan lagu, nonton bioskop, jalan-jalan
Peran dalam grup : Rap, maknae
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Mata yg sipit (slender eyes), ngerap.
Makanan/minuman favorit : Makanan sushi dan sashimi, udon. Minuman susu coklat.
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Ketika meletakkan pulpen, suka meletakkan pulpen dg lurus (barang lain juga sama)
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : Istirahat

Nama : Jenissi
Lahir tanggal 2 Agustus 1991
Tinggi/berat : 174cm62kg
Keluarga : Ayah, Ibu, Kakak perempuan, Diri sendiri
Cara menghabiskan hari libur : Menonton film, jalan-jalan sambil mendengarkan musik
Peran dalam grup : Rap
Hal yang disukai dalam dirinya : Jujur dan berani, tidak bertele-tele
Makanan/minuman favorit : Beer asahi dan sake jepang, jus tomat
Kebiasaan yang berubah : Suara batuk sedikit berubah (seperti nenek-nenek)
Hal yang paling diinginkan saat ini : iPad, gitar, piano, jam tangan, bumi

Trans by ToppDogg_INDO
credit :

Friday, July 25, 2014

[SCHEDULE] #ToppDogg August Schedules (updated 140725)

*1 Agustus*

[EVENT] Wonju MBC Donggang Public Broadcasting - PM 7:30

*2 Agustus*

[EVENT] Wooljin MusicFarm Festival - PM 7:30

*5 Agustus*

[EVENT] Jungshin Haiwon Summer's Midnight Concert - PM 6:30

*9 Agustus*

[SC] ToppDogg JAPAN Showcase

*17 Agustus*

[EVENT] WAPOP Concert 

*19 Agustus*

:: ToppDogg Debut 300 days ::

*20 Agustus*

[EVENT] GIVE Concert -PM 7:00*

Monday, July 14, 2014

[FANCAFE] 140714 EVENT »» ㄴ My heart being Call Dogg Call Dogg! (English ver.)

This is the Fanclub manager of ToppDogg.
I find the promote king of ToppKlass!
Because ToppDogg's digital single will release July 16.
ToppDogg will call to the winner of this event using the Skype app :)
So, give many attention and ur love!

*>>> The way of participation*
* *
*A. Streaming certification*
* Date : 2014. 07. 16 (Wed) PM 12:00 ~ PM 5:00 (KST)
* Streaming Site : Melon, M Net, Bugs, Genie, Soribada, Olleh music
1) Take a capture or picture when you stream ToppDogg's digital single title song.
    Must take a picture with present time every hour. 
    (PM 12:00 ~ 1:00, PM 1:00 ~ 2:00, PM 2:00 ~ 3:00, PM 3:00 ~ 4:00, PM 4:00 ~ 5:00 )
2) Save the secret writing at ToppDogg official fancafe's 'Call-Dogg Call-Dogg' board. 
   [A - Streaming site name / using ID / Name / Skype ID ] with capture or picture.
3) You can be overlapped participation that you have many ID of streaming site. So continue your streaming and participation!
4) Wait ring your phone to ToppDogg's call!
* Tip! : You participate many times, ToppDogg's calling probability is up!


*B. Review & Five Stars certification*
* Date : 2014. 07. 16 (Wed) PM 12:00 ~ PM 5:00 (KST)
* Streaming Site : Melon, M Net, Bugs, Genie, Soribada, Olleh music
1) Take a capture when you write the review and give five stars in streaming site.
2) Save the secret writing at ToppDogg official fancafe's 'Call-Dogg Call-Dogg' board. 
   [B - Streaming site name / using ID / Name / Skype ID ] with capture.
3) You can be overlapped participation that you have many ID of streaming site. 
    So continue your review & five stars participation!
4) Wait ring your phone to ToppDogg's call!
* Tip! : You participate many times, ToppDogg's calling probability is up!

*C. **Promote to use KakaoTalk and certification *
* Date : 2014. 07. 16 (Wed) PM 12:00 ~ 2014. 07. 17 (Thu) PM 11:59 (KST)
1) Promote to use Kakao Talk that ToppDogg's digital single has been released. (at least 5 friends)
2) Take a capture Kakao Talk.
3) Save the secret writing at ToppDogg official fancafe's 'Call-Dogg Call-Dogg' board. [C - Name / Skype ID ] with capture.
4) You can be overlapped participation that you have each friends(5 friends). So continue your promoting and participation.
5) Wait ring your phone to ToppDogg's call!
* Tip! : You participate many times, ToppDogg's calling probability is up!

*D. SNS & Hash Tag certification*
* Date : 2014. 07. 16 (Wed) PM 12:00 ~ End of the activity of ToppDogg Digital Single (KST)
1) Make a account of SNS (Twitter, Facebook, Instargram.. etc)
2) Use SNS with Hash tag or Like, RT.. etc.
3) Take a picture using the SNS promote, or capture your SNS account.
4) Save the secret writing at ToppDogg official fancafe's 'Call-Dogg Call-Dogg' board. [D - your SNS account / Name / Skype ID ] with picture.
5) You can be overlapped participation that you have each SNS. So continue your promoting and participation.
6) Wait ring your phone to ToppDogg's call!
* Tip! : You participate many times, ToppDogg's calling probability is up!


* *Please take a phone call certainly!*we notice the time of Skype through the Twitter!
* This event can be modified by artist's schedule.

* Give us many attention and participation :)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

[INTERVIEW] YesAsia Q & A with #ToppDogg

Though Topp Dogg has debuted for less than a year, the hip-hop boy band has been bringing fresh new ideas and surprises to the K-pop world with every release. After the fantasy concept of their "Arario" special album
, the group turns to classical with the third mini-album"AmadeuS"
, which is inspired by the same-titled 1984 movie about the rivalry between Mozart and Antonio Salieri. 

The famous story of "Amadeus" takes on a whole new look and sound when transplanted into the world of K-pop. The genius of Mozart and the jealousy of Salieri are reflected in the contrasting tone and structure of Topp Dogg's new album as well as the division of the members into two teams – Team Mozart (B-Joo, Nakta, Jenissi, Sando, Seogoong, Ho Joon) and Team Salieri (Hansol, A-Tom, Yano, P-Goon, Gohn, Xero). The "Amadeus" concept applies to not only the music but also the costumes and choreography. 

Mozart's "Symphony No. 25 in G Minor" leads into the album's title song "TOPDOG", offering a powerful and creative fusion of classical and hip-hop. The song's music video also features a special effects-laden conducting showdown between B-Joo and Hansol, who portray Mozart and Salieri. 

Behind the scenes, "AmadeuS" boasts the participation of Yunsu, Monitor Punch and DEEZ
, who won for Best R&B and Soul Song at the 2011 Korean Music Awards. The head of Stardom Entertainment, hip-hop legend Cho PD
 also showed his support for Topp Dogg by writing lyrics for the album. 

Mozart's "Symphony No. 25 in G Minor" leads into the album's title song "TOPDOG", offering a powerful and creative fusion of classical and hip-hop. The song's music video also features a special effects-laden conducting showdown between B-Joo and Hansol, who portray Mozart and Salieri. 

Behind the scenes, "AmadeuS" boasts the participation of Yunsu, Monitor Punch and DEEZ
, who won for Best R&B and Soul Song at the 2011 Korean Music Awards. The head of Stardom Entertainment, hip-hop legend Cho PD
 also showed his support for Topp Dogg by writing lyrics for the album. 


*B-Joo*: For me, the most enjoyable part of album preparation was planning the album concept. The concept of Amadeus. It's an earlier story than the world presented in the last special album "Arario"...^^ There are many scenes of Hansol and me acting as rivals, and we both practiced a lot to act out the scenes perfectly. 

*Hansol*: We've watched the movie "Amadeus" over 50 times. To be Mozart and Salieri, we learned and practiced a lot, and of course, I've tried my best to portray Salieri. 

*B-Joo*: When we recorded the MV, Hansol was so absorbed in the role, it was hard for the rest of the members to even talk to him... kekekeke 

*Hansol*: Yes^^ I must have been quite into the role, so I can say it was really enjoyable work. 


*Jenissi*: I haven't thought about collaborating with other artists yet. Since we have many members, we're preparing to work in units. For example, Lion [unit] can manage almost everything including composing, writing lyrics, singing and rap. If opportunity allows, I think we can produce great results. 

*P-Goon*: Topp Dogg G, which recently promoted in China, is one of our new units. 


*Jenissi*: I'd like to rest in an open space. We keep practicing, recording and doing broadcasting and promotional activities, so I really want some rest when we have time. 

*A-Tom*: I want to go shopping. I love shopping and trying on clothes and shoes to relieve stress. 

*Xero*: I'd like to go home and spend time with my parents and family. I'm always thinking of them because I've realized that family is really important since I've been away from them. 

Monday, June 9, 2014


Yeah you all know what it is
Have you heard? I said, have you heard?
Let’s go kidoh
Woo this might be the last
But ain’t gonna be the least
Yeah topp doggy dog
Bow wow eapy yo
If you blink for a moment, you fall behind so what other words are needed?
If you space out, I’ll get ahead so what use is #1
I did it my own way, own way, own way
Push it ahead, own way, own way, own way
If you just think like whatever, then cover your ears, go away (just go)

What use is it if you go away now?
You kill the mood of all the people in front of me and run away?
You’re not #1, you’re just a fugitive
Waiting for me to fall head first but you’re falling every day
So I lightly step over you, enjoying this springlike weather
Life is already long, ranks change over time
Being shaken up is okay, but not being bent and twisted off
Because I’m alive, you’re breathing
Because of the great #2, #1 looks great too
I got it yep yep
The gap is closing
I’ll take a jab toward you
You know everything once you start emptying
Now put your hands up and scream
Power, it’s in my inferiority
Power, it’s in my vulgarity
Power, it’s in my disgrace
Power, it’s in my cowardice
I’m running like the hare and tortoise
Not #1 but slow and steady wins the race
Don’t worry about me, even if I’ve stopped sometimes, I won’t take backward steps like you
I gotta move, I’m getting closer one by one, breath is quickening, feel like I’m killing it
Don’t tell me do to this or that, no matter what anyone says
My power is in my own inferiority, you understand?
I’ll step on you in order, that’s my place, my path
I won’t be satisfied so run away
Yes I’m a beast, I’ll chew and swallow you up
Inferiority complex makes me, the existence of fear
Kill all the cocky kids, what’s your name? This is like Death Note, everything written will happen
Come down or do your best, all those tracks and rap
You’re fake, recognize correctly, trend get back
Or just rap, I’ll take that, this is royal rumble number 1
I’m not perfect, this is just me
I know about the drama that is me, I know what’s me
It’s a lie if I say I don’t have jealousy or envy
But you can’t look down on me, this is my life style
Not like you, who wants others to recognize you
I just go on my way, wonder what I see
Compared to my potential, you’re just a rough estimate
How long can you last? Then you can’t call me rival
Because I’m alive, you’re breathing
Because of the great #2, #1 looks great too
I got it yep yep
The gap is closing
I’ll take a jab toward you
You know everything once you start emptying
Now put your hands up and scream
Power, it’s in my inferiority
Power, it’s in my vulgarity
Power, it’s in my disgrace
Power, it’s in my cowardice

(trans © Pop Gasa)


You make me play the fermata (you)
A song that can’t be played, you, you
Your edge crushes all my predictions (sexy)
Play me till the curtains go down
The beat continues without rest (you shake me up)
Can’t put a period to end it (you tie me up tightly)
Maestro, no chance to deny you (crazy crazy)
The ensemble of your voice and those words (say brava)
Stop shaking me up

(Yeah) what’s the next melody?
(Girl) I want to listen, what are you?
Are you gonna take my breath away? (are you?)
I’m gonna go crazy, vi vi vivace, I’m gonna explode
I’m going round and round because of you
A perfect masterpiece that I can’t have, let me listen to you
I’ll trap you inside of me, a perfect secret room, this is my masterpiece
People won’t know of my love
Daydreaming is a luxury, I’ll catch you, who is out of orbit (sexy)
I’ll conduct you however I want
But your beat roughly works me (trapping me)
A tightly created unknown melody
Oh presto, there’s no time for you to be boring (crazy crazy)
All notes exist for you
Stop shaking me up
Yeah, what’s the next repertory?
Girl, are you gonna quickly provoke me?
Are you gonna make my eyes roll back? (are you?)
I’m gonna go crazy, vi vi vivace, I’m gonna explode
I’m going round and round because of you
A perfect masterpiece that I can’t have, let me listen to you
Can’t turn it off just like fireworks
A masterpiece that swallows me with a moment’s breath
Even the gods envy you, your existence is too much
Let me listen to you, Amadeus
(Andante) I’ll go to you
(Moderato) Hold my hand
(Crescendo) Look into my eyes
I’ll roughly hug you
Vroom vroom, it’s already started
Not even the gods can stop my heart toward you
My greatest masterpiece
You’re my masterpiece
I’m gonna go crazy, I’m gonna explode, show me, let me listen to you
I want to play you now (holic holic)
I’m gonna go crazy, vi vi vivace, I’m gonna explode
I’m going round and round because of you
A perfect masterpiece that I can’t have, let me listen to you
I’m gonna go even crazier, vi vi vivace, I’m gonna explode
I’m going round and round because of you
A masterpiece I can’t touch, I hear you, call me Amadeus

(trans © Pop Gasa)


Yeah~! CUZ I’m ToppDogg ToppKlass ToppDogg
I do what i do best
Before pouring out your soul
Only the skin is left, deceived by empty words
Feeling betrayed by the words that are too light, hey
(Tainting the soul)
Your fantasies have all been broken
Cooled affections became burnt ash
(Tainted hand)
The sins of the world are worn out
(The candlelight shakes in front of temptations)
This song will be a lighthouse in the darkness

History maker, that is me
We work in our own way
Others shine for a moment and self-destruct
I know, I’m a flower that bloomed from the mud
I’m writing history, I’m a living fossil, I create something every night
When I write the diary that you write, history, they call me genius
Even if you go back, do the right thing
Whatever situation it may be, do it my way
You are witnessing history right now
History in a making
T.O. Double P. D.O. Double G. (TOPP DOGG)
T.O. Double P. D.O. Double G. (x2)
There are a lot of reasons but no one cares, it’s the grave of truth
This awakened place is such a cold place
Wake up and warm up your blood once again
I’ll do something that’ll surprise you
Check check check
I’ll have some more fun
I wanna show you a path that will surprise you
Check check check yeah
I’m J hovah, still baby
Future dramatic, my scale has no flaws
Chromatic stop and play
Wait till the end, see who remains last
Sparkling masterpiece, who’s that? That’s our class
Why? This is classic, let’s get it
Even if you go back, do the right thing
Whatever situation it may be, do it my way
You are witnessing history right now
History in a making
T.O. Double P. D.O. Double G. (TOPP DOGG)
T.O. Double P. D.O. Double G. (x2)
I’m taking step by step
A musician ship that will last forever
Every day, selling and buying souls
The price of a soul
(How much?)
I told you I’m TOPP DOGG
T.O. Double P. D.O. Double G. (TOPP DOGG)
T.O. Double P. D.O. Double G. (x4)
We rock this game “TOPP DOGG”

(trans ©Pop Gasa)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[FANCAFE] 140604 YANO Mixtape -「YANOBOUT ME : FICTION」Coming Soon! ToppDogg | 


01. YF20 (PROD by GAKA) 
02. 시체 
03. To me
04. BEAST (Feat.Chancey The Glow) (PROD by GAKA)
05. HAPPY (Feat.Sangdo) (PROD by KIDOH) 
07. SKIT
08. 썅년 (PROD by fisherman)
09. 누구게 (PROD by fisherman)

Coming Soon :) 
많은 기대와 사랑 부탁드립니다!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


07/06 - [Recording] 2014 Dream Concert

08/06 - ToppDogg 3rd Mini Album pre-sale reservation end

09/06 - ToppDogg 3rd Mini Album " AmadeuS " sound , music , M/V Release

12/06 - [Broadcast] Idol futsal tournament (PGoon, Hojoon, Nakta, Hansol , Xero , Atom ) - PM 11:15 ~

15/06 - Happy HANSOL Day! & [ Broadcast scheduled ] 2014 Dream Concert

Saturday, May 10, 2014

[FACT] TOPPDOGG's IDEAL TYPE (from Interview/Question at Fansign)

Topp Dogg’s Ideal Girl (from Sangdo_com's Sticky Note at Fansign)

Height: 163cm
Weight: 53kg
Age: 21 
Fave Hairstyle: Half-wavy hair
Fave Girl Group: APink

Height: 163cm
Weight: 48kg
Age: 20~~
Fave Hairstyle: Long Straight hair
Fave Girl Group: -

Height: 165cm
Weight: 48kg
Age: 28 (Noona age)
Fave Hairstyle: Straight hair
Fave Girl Group: -

Height: 160cm
Weight: 45kg
Age: 1-100 
Fave Hairstyle: Straight hair

Height: 165cm
Weight: 50~kg
Age: 23 
Fave Hairstyle: Put hair to the side, ponytail

Height: 160cm
Weight: X preference
Age: X preference
Fave Hairstyle: Bob

Heightt: 165cm
Weight: 47kg
Age: 21
Fave Hairstyle: Straight hair put to the side

Height: 170cm
Weight: 45kg
Age: X preference (if to choose 19 years old)
Fave Hairstyle: ALL

Weight: 50kg
Age:Noona (21~30yo), 
Fave Hairstyle: short hair
Fave female idols: 2NE1

Height: 160cm
Weight: 43kg
Age: Dongsaeng, same(chingu) and Noona, 
Fave Hairstyle: short hair
Fave female idols: -

Height: Shorter than me
Weight: Normal
Age: X preference
Fave Hairstyle: Short hair

Height: 166cm
Weight: 50kg
Age: same age
Fave Hairstyle: Medium hair

Height: approximately 163cm
Weight: dunno for weight
Age: 20yo
Fave Hairstyle: long/medium hair
Fave female idol: IU?

Question © Sangdo_com
Trans : © firyn © Bjoo_precious


ToppDogg's Ideal Type (From Interview)

Gohn : "I like someone with a big Eyesmile"

Sangdo : "I want a girl who truly loves me"

Jenissi : "I want a girl with a good Body,Honestly…"

"Me too,I want a Girl with a good Body as well."
(In an Interview at Ariran Radio he revealed that he really likes After School’s Lizzy)

"I want a Girl who only has eyes for me."

Kidoh : 
"All of my Fans are my Ideal Type"

"I want a Girl with a pretty Smile."

"I like girls with a cat-like face and aegyo-sal (Bigger eyebags)"

"I like girls who look good in Jeans"

P-Goon : "I want someone who becomes more charming the more time you spend with her."

Xero : "Long hair! Sexy Girl…I like Sexy Girls!"

Hojoon : "Someone cute,pretty…who has a different dimension to the way she thinks"

Hansol : "Someone with deep-set eyes and someone whos very beautiful"

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

[ENG] ToppDogg - Doggs Out


You know what I’m doing?
You know what I’m takin?
You know what I’m steeling?
You know
T 2da D double O 2da G
Now say my name Jenissi
Reveal the path but I have nothing to say
I have a lot of friends so get out of the way
Let the crazy dogg’s out, it’s a whole other feeling
You got that feeling? ah really?
Even the number of people in our group is like China
Each color comes together, a rainbow of 13 members
Piece by piece, we create it, Topp Dogg
We the leggo
Bow wow what do you want from me?
I dare to go after the king’s throne
Comes new hero
Be careful, you might get surprised at our sudden appearance and run away
Don’t fall behind, go a little bit faster
Be on the look out, all preparations are over
Now is the time to set things straight
Hurry and let me loose
DOGG’S OUT Time is Running Out
Don’t Stop, if you do, you’ll get bitten, SAY
DOGG’S OUT Time is Running Out
Don’t Stop, if you do, you’ll get bitten, SAY
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
In whatever situation, we’ll pick the best
I’m humble though, what I want is not a big deal
You kna mean? My rap is always so hot
You will run out but I’m non-stop
Fans will yell out, be careful
Oppa! But I’ll put my health behind me for a bit
I’m real, I’m big diggin it killin it yeah
Represent in me, I’ll represent myself
And I’m the leader unbreakable swag ready for the TOPPDOGG
Don’t fall behind, go a little bit faster
Be on the look out, all preparations are over
Now is the time to set things straight
Hurry and let me loose
DOGG’S OUT Time is Running Out
Don’t Stop, if you do, you’ll get bitten, SAY
DOGG’S OUT Time is Running Out
Don’t Stop, if you do, you’ll get bitten, SAY
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
We’ll catch everyone, catch everyone, catch everyone
Dogg’s Out!
Who Let the Dogg’s Out
You can’t compete with me in this physical battle
No matter what anyone says, we’re at the top
Our stage will be the battlefield
Look carefully, the chains around our necks are broken
We rock this game Topp Dogg
Who let the dogg’s out


ye soon i’ll be on that tv
jelous on your face cover up by b.b
lookin for dat gold digger yeah nigga
right we da new generation let’s go kidoh
시작은 미비함 너와 나의 거리감
i got that dirty mind ye ye that dirty mind
부러워 할 필요없어 deserve it way more better like vj
dj hit me up with a beat so i can rap
날 다 따라해 여기저기 머지않아 날 필요해
먼저 알아보고 다 피하내 i’m real 넌 가짜나해
ye keep your eyes 모두 지켜봐
내가 누군지 보여줄게 flip the side
다 뱉은대로 됬잖아
그래 넌 ‘fa’ after ‘me’
that’s why u mad
why u mad mad

[ENGLISH] ye soon i’ll be on that tv jelous on your face cover up by b.b lookin for dat gold digger yeah nigga right we da new generation let’s go kidoh the start is inadequate the distance between you and me i got that dirty mind ye ye that dirty mind Don’t need to be envious deserve it way more better like vj dj hit me up with a beat so i can rap Everyone follow me here and there sooner or later you’ll need me First find out it’s all under my skin I’m real you’re fake ye keep your eyes everyone watch I’ll show you who I am, flip the side I spat out everything correctly That’s right you’re ‘fa’ after ‘me’ that’s why u mad why u mad mad

CREDITS: Translation: Topp Dogg Intl. 

[ENG] ToppDogg - Say It


[Hansol] My face is going to wear out will all these eyes on me
[B-Joo] What are you doing?
What are you doing?
[Hansol] What do you think about my rap, my style
[B-Joo] What are you doing?
What are you doing?
[Sangdo] Can't wait

[All] Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (say it)
Say that I'm legit (hoh)
[Seogoong] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[All] Follow me, follow (Try it)
Follow me, follow (Try it)
Follow me, follow (me)
Gonna be the trend soon (hoh)
[P-Goon] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[Kidoh] We one a another level
The feeling is so much more
Half of the current K-pop world is an error
Fresh, key elements, dope
Those are the few titles that stick to us
We're gonna do this on our own so look carefully
We'll show you not through our actions, not just words
Fast or slow, we'll cut through it all
Breaking through all of you
Who are still trapped in a border

[A-Tom] Open wide and spit it out boy
I can't even see the kids
who chased behind me anymore
The kids who used to say we weren't on the same level
Do you know what's cool?
I didn't learn at this school
Even if you fill in your lyrics with short english,
With that sort of concept
You can't even follow our footsteps
We standout, TOPPDOGG Music group

[Seogoong] What's with the facial acting when you're playing?
Being all in your face from the start is how I do it
[Nakta] What are you looking at?
[Yano] Everything burrow, everything burrow
[Gohn] Stop staring at me oh
[Yano] What do you want, what do you want? uh

[All] Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (say it)
Say that I'm legit (hoh)
[Hojoon] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[All] Follow me, follow (Try it)
Follow me, follow (Try it)
Follow me, follow (me)
Gonna be the trend soon (hoh)
[Hojoon] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[Jenissi] Say it with words
Hit a homerun, a grand-slam homerun
they try to push us with their ways, here and there
But the rhythm, beat and feel
Keep going up, tension ye~

[Yano] A group of geniuses and bad boys have finished
preparing to represent a special k-pop industry
A team created with guts, Just follow me
I'm TOPPDOGG ready for us
It's time to unveil ourselves
This is TOPPDOGG time we always on top
There's no time to lay out the bait
everywhere I go, the public goes crazy
If you're mad, just say it with words

[Sangdo] We'll survive where ever we are
We don't want the same kind of stage all the time
[Gohn] What are you looking at?
[Yano] Everything burrow, everything burrow
[Gohn] We're not typical, anyone can see
we're completely different

[All] Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (say it)
Say that I'm legit (hoh)
[Hansol] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[All] Follow me, follow (Try it)
Follow me, follow (Try it)
Follow me, follow (me)
Gonna be the trend soon (hoh)
[P-Goon] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[Xero] Uh? Do we look the same? Do we look the same?
Uh? I'll grind you up, I'll grind you up
Uh?  Do we look the same? Do we look the same?
Uh? Can't you feel it after I've shown you this much?
No doubt. No doubt. No doubt.

[All] Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (say it)
Say that I'm legit (hoh)
[Hansol] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

[All] Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (Try it)
Say it with words (say it)
Say that I'm legit (hoh)
[P-Goon] I wanna get wanna get wanna get high
I wanna get wanna get wanna get high

credit: pop!gasa

[ENG] ToppDogg - Arario


[Jenissi] Yeah~! [Yano] Hello
[Kidoh] ToppDogg! [Yano] You don't know us?
[Jenissi] T O Double P D O Double G
[All] Play the music of Topp Dogg!
Hey hey ([Yano] hey it's good)
Hey hey ([Yano] Hey the jihwaja* is good)
Hey hey ([Yano] hey it's good)
Hey hey 
([Kidoh] ToppDogg doing to the top!)

[Yano] Play the music, make a scene
it's so exciting
Everyone is humming along,
I don't know why others do such typical raps
I'll just tell you, our's is the best
[A-Tom] Our rap will win with art
Our lyrics are like a newlywed bride
Who are you blaming?
You're just like the in-laws
God bamm A-tom got a bomb bomb and pow
Someone like you is easy, Taste it
the beating, A T O and M power

[Hojoon] We'll take over this place
Play the music
[Hansol] It's a fun feast, everyone gather together
[Gohn] Say this and that, I'm about to start

[Sangdo] We're the greedy officer who steals your eyes and ears
The executioner who is the best on stage
[Xero] Everyone moves to our beat as if they're crazy
Hey the jihwaja good

[P-Goon] I'm so shocked, you still don't know us?
We're the bad boys from the south, Topp Dogg
Remember me
[Hojoon] We know how to play
Gather around, I'm not joking
We know a little something
We're very different

[Jenissi] After carelessly making a few tracks
for the fans, who are like the nation's people
and confusing them
You sell it for money, you're a rapper
that's like a beacon mound*
attracted by mere smoke
I'm always diligent and consistent,
always running around like a mapae*
[Kidoh] Kid, what are you doing over there?
You're a commoner who is playing with a mask of nobelman
Are you having fun? I put on my bamboo hat crookedly
Thickly putting forth my own culture

[Hansol] We'll take over this place
[Sangdo] Play the music
[Nakta] It's a fun feast, everyone gather together
[B-Joon] Say this and that, I'm about to start

[Sangdo] We're private messengers with mapaes
If you can't play, you'll have to be punished

[Xero] Everyone moves to our beat as if they're crazy
Hey the jihwaja good

[P-Goon] I'm so shocked, you still don't know us?
We're the bad boys from the south, Topp Dogg
Remember me
[Hojoon] We know how to play
Gather around, I'm not joking
We know a little something
We're very different

[All] I'm so shocked, you still don't know us?
We're the bad boys from the south, Topp Dogg
[Yano] My soul is extending, past the Arirang Hill

[All] I'm so shocked, you still don't know us?
We're the bad boys from the south, Topp Dogg
[Gohn] Remember us


*"jihwaja" - a shout to mark time in accompanying singing or dancing; corresponding to hand clapping
"beacon mound" - a mound to place a beacon fire in the old days
"mapae" - a token that shows your identification as  a King's worker in the old days