Friday, March 28, 2014




Rookie KPOP group, ToppDogg, has been very busy since their busy since their debut, but managed to find a little break to sit down to answer our questions. The 13-member group debuted earlier this year and have been going strong ever since, releasing hit after hit and music videos that showcase their multitude of dance and singing talents.

The answers are given in both Korean and English, with member Kidoh acting as the main voice (when you see mention of *I* in the answers).

Q: From head to toe, what is your favorite physical feature about yourselves?

TOPPDOGG: 얼굴^^ 우린 개성이 많은 팀이다 각자의 다른 면들 그리고 각자의 표정들이 좋다.

ENG: Face ^^ We’re a team with different personalities and our facial expressions are good.

Q: If you could collaborate with any hip hop artist on a track, who would it be and why?

KIDOH: KANYE WEST, 존경하는 뮤지션이다. 그의 모든 음악들을 즐겨듣고, 스타일도 매력있다.

ENG: KANYE WEST [he is] a musician I respect. I enjoy listening to his music and his style is attractive.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

TOPPDOGG:각 맴버들이 좋아하는 뮤지션들이 다 다르다. 래퍼, 댄서, 보컬리스트, 프로듀서 등이 있다. 팀으로는 빅뱅 같은 팀이 되고 싶다. 팀으로서 그리고 각각의 멤버들이 모두 자기만의 색깔을 가지고 있다는 점에서 빅뱅 같은 팀이 되고 싶다.

ENG: Each member has a different musician he likes. Rappers, dancers, vocalists, producers, and so on. As a team and as members, we all have our own colors and want to be a team like Big Bang.

Q: Do you find it fun or sometimes a pain having so many members?

TOPPDOGG: 13명이어서 항상 시끄럽다^^ 이동하는데 시간도 오래걸린다. 그렇지만 어디를 가도 자신감이 있고 내편이 많다는 점에서 자신감이 넘친다.

ENG: Since there are 13 members it’s always noisy^^ Moving around can take a while, but wherever we go, we’re always overflowing with confidence.

Q: If you could be another member, who would you be and why?

TOPPDOGG: 우리는 4개 유닛이 있다. 처음에 각자 옮기고 싶은 유닛이 있었다. 지금은 서로가 자기 자신이 맡은 역할과 포지션을 좋아한다.

ENG: We have 4 subunits. At first, there was a unit I wanted to move to. Right now, all the members have roles and positions we all like.

Q: What do you do to calm your nerves/prepare for a performance?

TOPPDOGG: 모두 다르다. 대부분 음악을 듣는다. 요즘은 많이 바쁘기 때문에 틈만 나면 잠을 자기도 한다.

ENG: We’re all different. Most of us listen to music. These days, we’re very busy so we sleep when we have time.

Q: What is your favorite animal/animal most like you (spirit animal)?

TOPPDOGG: 강아지를 좋아한다. 얼마 에 숙소에서 몇일간 강아지와 함께 있었다. 너무 사랑스럽고 좋았다.

ENG: I like dogs. For a few days, we had a dog in our dorm. It was so lovely and I liked it.

Q: Who in the group takes the most care with their skin? Who is the “dirtiest”?

TOPPDOGG: 상도 가 피부가 타고났다. 아톰이 게을러서 …

ENG: Sangdo has gifted skin. Atom is lazy…

Q: What or who motivated you through your trainee days?

TOPPDOGG: 많은 아티스트들이 있다. 팀으로선 위에서 이야기 한 것 처럼 빅뱅 선배님들을 모니터한다.

ENG: There are a lot of artists. Like what I said above, I/we often monitor Big Bang sunbaenims.

Q: Although you are super busy with promotions since debut, what do you do in your free time?

TOPPDOGG: 아직까지 자유시간은 없다 ^^’

ENG: We still don’t have much free time ^^

Q: What ONE tourist spot/landmark in the world would you like to visit and why?

TOPPDOGG: 그린란드에 가 보고 싶다. 얼마전 월터의 상상은 현실이 된다 라는 영화를 보았는데, 진짜 인구가 8명인지 궁금하다^^

ENG: I want to go to Greenland. A few days ago I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and I’m curious if there really is 8 people ^^

Q: What ONE icon/idol, anywhere in the world, do you wish would follow you on Twitter/listen to your songs?

TOPPDOGG: 너무 많다. 일일이 다 열거하면 끝이 없다. 어떤 아티스트라도 우리 음악에 관심을 가져 준다면 영광이고 언제든지 팔로우 해주면 좋겠다.

ENG: There are too many. If I list [them] one by one, there will be no end. No matter which artist, if they listened to our music it would be an honor and I’d be happy if they followed [on Twitter].

Q: What is your favorite ToppDogg song/moment?

TOPPDOGG: 모든 음악에 애정이 있다. 그중에서 13명이서 같이 할 수 있는 음악들은 조금 더 특별하다.

ENG: There is love in all [our] songs. From those, the songs we sing [as all 13] are a bit more special.

Q: Do you have any close friends from other groups?

TOPPDOGG: 여러 그룹이 있지만, 최근 GOT7과 같이 대기실을 자주 쓰면서 친해졌다. 멋진 친구들이다.

ENG: There are a lot, recently I got close to GOT7 because we shared a waiting/dressing room together. They are cool people.

Q: What trends do you see for the KPOP/K-Hop world in 5 years?

TOPPDOGG: 아이돌 그룹으로서 그 팀만의 칼라를 가지는게 중요할 것 같다. 개개인의 실력을 보여주는 것도 중요하지만, 아이돌 그룹이 팀으로서 팬들과 공유하고 발전시켜가는 스토리텔링이 아주 중요한 요소가 될 것 같다.

ENG: As an idol group, having a color of their own (Note: basically being unique) is important. It is also important to show the ability of the individual, but as an idol group, showing how the team improves over time and sharing that with their fans seems to also be a very important factor.

Q: The day you found out you were about to debut, what did you do?

TOPPDOGG: 계속해서 연습했다^^ 노래하고 춤추고 몇 년동안 변하지 않고 계속해서 준비를 했다.

ENG: I continuously practiced ^^ I kept singing, dancing, and for a couple of years, I kept preparing [for debut].

Q: Most idols in South Korea go on to act in dramas and movies. Do any of you have aspirations to do so one day?

TOPPDOGG: 아직은 음악 외적인 부분에 대해 생각해본 적이 없다. 일단은 탑독을 더 많이 알리고 무대를 통해서 팬들과 많이 만나는 것이 우선일 것 같다.

ENG: Till this day I don’t have any thought of doing anything else other than music. For now, getting Topp Dogg more popular and meeting fans by going onstage is our first priority.

Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

TOPPDOGG: 악당을 찾겠다. 내 힘이 돋보이니까.

ENG: I will find villains. Because my strength will stand out.

Q: What do your parents think of your idol career?

TOPPDOGG: 부모님들은 항상 우리를 걱정해주신다. 부모님의 사랑을 정말 잘 알기에 우리가 선택한 이 일에 대해 부모님이 자랑스럽게 하고 싶다.

ENG: Our parents are always worried about us. Knowing how much our parents love us, we want to make them proud of our choice.

Source: 247 Asian Media

(daniegr) via : ToppDogg Philipina

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

[140318] Official ToppDogg Fancafe - Yano [INDO Trans]

Tittle : Sudah Lama Sekali

Halo ini Yano! 
Wah, sudah 5 bulan berlalu sejak debut. 
Meskipun baru sebentar, sudah banyak hal yang kulalui baik itu yang baik ataupun yg melelahkan,.
Pada saat-saat seperti itu pesan-pesan dukungan dan mention dari para fans benar-benar sangat membantu.
Entah kenapa aku merasa sedikit asing ketika tiba-tiba debut dan membaca surat-surat yang ada di fancafe untuk pertama kalinya.
Untuk para fans yang begitu bahagia ketika melihat kami, kalian seolah telah mengambil tempat yang besar di hatiku ketika bertemu dan berbagi cerita dengan kalian.
Performance Arario kini telah berakhir!
Aku benar-benar berterimakasih kepada para ToppKlass yang selalu setia menunggu dan percaya kepada kami.
Aku benar-benar berterima kasih dan menyayangi kalian satu per satu!
Kami akan membayar semua itu dengan musik dan penampilan yang lebih baik lagi!
Aku senang saat kalian menyemangatiku ketika sedang lelah atau tidak bersemangat.
Dan aku juga bahagia ketika ternyata aku bisa menjadi endorphin untuk kalian!
Sekarang aku sedang mengerjakan mixtape.
Aku menulisnya sesuai dengan apa yang aku pikir dan rasakan.
Silakan tunggu kapan waktu perilisannya hohoho
Wah, hanya untuk mengungkapkan rasa terimakasihku saja aku sudah menulis sepanjang ini.
Sungguh, aku selalu berterima kasih!
Aku cinta kalian ♡♡

translate by Yunnisah

Sunday, March 9, 2014

[Interview] Inside Stardom

Interview with Former Stardom Ent. Staff

K: Did you interact often with ToppDogg? If yes, tell us a bit about what the members are like in person.

I had the possibility to interact with them a few times. At the debut showcase, at a special event, at fan meetings and fan signs, at a photo shooting, backstage at Music Bank and of course at the company (although there I only see them at meals). I have to say that the members all have very different characters and that some of them are pretty different on and off stage. They are also different in how they act with their fans. Each of them knows his fans, acts differently with them and gives them a little extra fan service. Off stage they’re all super nice, even though there is a certain language barrier. At the photo shooting most of them tried to talk to us and interact with us, even if it was sometimes only through sign language. I also noticed that the behavior of the members towards me changed over time.

Jiho (XERO), for example, used to be pretty shy. He was just always looking at me and when I noticed, he would grin and wave a little. But he never talked to me even though he knew that I speak Korean. After some time that changed and now he talks normally with me.

Hansol is a little angel. He is (almost) always in a good mood, sometimes even a little hyped up, and he can’t sit still, but you just have to like him. He’s someone who’s not really different off stage and to me that makes him very likeable. Oh, he loves chocolate~

Taeyang (Jenissi) is also someone who only loses his shyness with time. He’s not a man of many words when he’s on stage. Off stage he often talks to the other members, but not as much as Hansol. He always looks after everyone. He’s taken on the mother role in the group, but at the same time he’s something like the king because he’s the oldest.

Yano is quite special. He’s not easy to figure out and many people say that he has a 4D personality. He’s always acting cool but he can also be cute. He doesn’t like that very much, but there’s some aegyo for the fans from time to time. He’s not very talkative off stage either.

Kidoh is the friend-type. You can talk really well with him (especially about producing or music). His character is pretty quiet and I have to say a lot more grown-up than many of the other members. The age difference between the older members and the five youngest (Hansol, B-Joo, Xero, A-Tom and Yano) is rather noticeable, even if it is only small. From what I’ve seen so far, Kidoh is not really different on and off stage.

Seogoong is a little peculiar. He’s completely different on and off stage. While on stage he’s always very friendly and does a lot of fan servie, off stage he’s the complete opposite, he’s often very serious. Maybe it’s because of his diet? His favorite foods are burgers, pizza and chicken.

Gohn is a funny guy. Talking with him about all kinds of things is really easy. Once I even discussed piercings with him. He’s at the same time cheeky and kind in his own way.

B-Joo is a gem. While he’s pretty hyped up, he puts his heart and soul into everything. He’s pretty curious but that corresponds to his age. He can also be very grown-up and gentleman-like. He’s someone who notices very quickly when someone else feels uncomfortable and he always tries to help.

Sangdo is someone who thinks a lot about how he is perceived by others. He often tells the fans that he’s not a “scary man” and that they don’t have to be scared of him. His relatively dark skin and the hairstyle he had around debut seem to have scared some fans. But he is absolutely not dangerous and always in a good mood. He’s enthusiastic even about small things – like soap bubbles.

Nakta is something like a gentle giant. At the beginning he was very distanced, but that changed over time. In person he’s also one of the quieter members.

A-Tom is always available for a game. Even though he doesn’t approach the fans as openly as B-Joo or Hansol, he likes to talk a lot, sometimes also funny stuff. There’s always something to talk and laugh about with him.

P-goon, our leader. The other members always call him bold or clumsy leader. He’s actually pretty nice, but it’s true that he doesn’t talk to the fans a lot – he speaks more with his eyes. Off stage he’s also the most quiet member and he seems rather serious.

Hojoon is someone who approaches his fans by himself. Even if there’s nothing apparent to talk about, he’ll start to talk about something or asks if there’s something you’d like to know.

K: Do you want to return to Korea? If yes, what do you want to do there?
I definitely want to return. I’d love to have another opportunity to work at a Korean company. Preferably I’d like to work in management, where I can organize things, or in creative management since that’s the area I originally come from. Of course I’d also like to visit concerts or other events from time to time. I also want to do things with my friends, meet new people, and get a little closer to my goal.

K: Thanks for the interview

Credit : (

Saturday, March 8, 2014

[140307 | INTERVIEW] Love K-Pop Exclusive Interview with ToppDogg

Well today we are happy to share with you the outcome of our brief interview with them (We have answers in both Korean and English!) – are you excited? Because we definitely are!

1) Firstly, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions! How does it feel to know you have a lot of fans in Europe and the UK?

탑독이 아직 데뷔한지 4개 월이 조금 지났는데 아직 실제로 뵙지 못 했는데도, 저희 탑독을 사랑해주셔서 너무 놀라워요. 사랑해주시는 만큼 보답해드리고, 유럽 과 영국에 꼭 가서 팬분둘 소통하는 무대를 보여드리고 십습니다. (호준)

Since it’s only been 4 month since out debut it’s and only a little time has gone by, we weren’t able to show ourselves well. But still it’s amazing how much love we receive from everyone. We want to give back that love. We want to go to Europe and England and meet everyone while we’re on stage. (Hojoon)

2) You debuted at the end of 2013 – how did it feel when you finally achieved your debut?

와.. 정말 내가 이제 정식으로 데뷔하는구나 라는 생각을 하니 가슴이 벅찼다. 조금 더 멋진가수가 돼서 많은 사람들에게 나라는 존재를 알리고 감동을 주고 싶었다. (호준)

Waaaah.. I’m really going to debut? My heart was filled with emotions. Because I’ll become a cool singer whom all people will know. I will let everyone know about me. (Hojoon)

3) How long have you been preparing for your debut and which member has been preparing the longest?

제가 가장 오래 연습생 생활을 했는데, 8년이라는 시간을 연습생으로 지났습니다.연습생 생활을 오래하면서 막막하다고 느끼도 하고, 힘든 점도 많았는데요. 지금 생각해보면 그 시간들이 지금의 저를 만들어주었기 때문에 후회되지는 않아요. (피군)

I have been the one preparing for debut the longest. It’s been 8 years and during that long time it was often very hard to endure. When I think about that time now I don’t regret anything since I gave a lot to be where I stand right now. (P-Goon)

4) Hip-Hop is very popular in K-Pop right now. Is Hip-Hop the kind of music you have always wanted to make?

힙합은 제가 춤추고 노래하는 모든 장로의 베이스라 생각하기 때문에 뻴래야 뺄 수 없는 거라 생각하요. 꼭 하고 싶었고, 좋아하는 장르예요. (한솔)

For me Hip Hop is exactly the genre I want to do. Because it combines the singing and dancing I like and which are the bases done by the elders. (Hansol)

5) Which artists/groups inspire you?

늘 칸예웨스트를 존경해왔습니다. 요즘은 chance the rapper 믹스테입에서 영감을 많이 얻습니다. (키도)

I’ve always admired Kanye West. Nowadays I get a lot of inspiration from his chance the rapper mixtape. (Kidoh)

6) If you could collaborate with another idol who would it be and why?

흑인 음악을 좋아하고, 하는 뮤지션분이 라면 누구든 콜라보 해보고 십습니다. 탑독 멤버들 모두가 즐겨 듣고 앞으로 하고 싶어하는 음악이거든요. (낙타)

I like hip-hop music and musicians so I would like to have a collaboration with one of these. The ToppDogg members all enjoy to listen to the music coming in future. (Nakta)

7) You recently made your comeback with your “ARARIO” mini album (Which is a great album, congratulations!) can you tell us your thoughts on the album?

아라리오 스페셜 앨범은 한국에서 웹툰으로 유명한 하일권 작가와의 콜라보레이션 작업을 통해만든 앨범입니다.탑독만의 판타지 스토리텔링이 가득한 앨범이라 보는 재미도 있고요.타이틀곡 ‘아라리오’ 는 한국의 전톡적인 색깔을 입힌 곡으로 귀까지즐겁게 거예요.Sangdo (상도)

The Arario Special Album includes a webtoon which was done in a collaboration with webtoon artist Ha Il Kwon. The fantasy story telling concept makes it a funny album. The title song Arario shows many traditional elements. (Sangdo)

8) What are your favourite songs from “ARARIO”? (Each member’s favourite)

I like Areo the best. (Seogoong).
저는 알어 일본어 버전을 좋아합이다. (서궁)
I like the Japanese version of Areo the best. (Seogoong)
알어요! 보컬의 느낌을 잘려서 형들이 자랑수러웠어요! 남녀노소 누구나 좋아할 수 있는 곡이라고 생각합니다. (제로)
Areo! The hyungs show of their emotional vocals. I think everyone loves this song. (Xero)
킵스마일링을 가장 좋아합니다. 부드러우면서 강력한 느낌을 주는 곡입니다. (키도)
For me, I like Keep Smiling the best. It’s a soft tune which gives strong feelings to the listener. (Kidoh)
저도킵스마일링을제일좋아합니다. 세련된 느낌을 주면서도 편하게 들을 수 있는곡이라고 생각 해요. (피군)
I like Keep Smiling as well. I think that because it gives refined feelings it’s easil to listen to the track. (P-Goon)
저도 킵스마일링이요. 노래 제목처럼 항상 웃으면 좋잖아요. (비주)
I also like Keep smiling the best as well, because we ourselves always keep smiling. (B-Joo)
아무래도 아라리오 인 것 같아요 한국적인 사운드가 의미 있고 새롭게 다가왔어요. (제니씨)
I think that Arario which is including the colors of Korea gives a new and fresh feeling. (Jenissi)
저는 알어를 가장 좋아합니다. 개인적으로 정말 완성도 높은 곡이라고 생각합니다. (곤)
My favourite song is Areo. I think it’s a mature/ mellow song. (Gohn)
저는 아라리오 앨범 중 킵스마일링이 가장 좋아요. (한솔)
From the Arario album I like Keep Smiling the best. (Hansol)
저는 타이틀곡인 아라리오가 제일 호감이 가요. 이유는 한국전인 요수를 저희 탑독만의 색깔로 풀어낸 게 좋거든요. (호준)
My favourite is the title song Arario. The reason why I like this song is that we express a lot with our own colors of ToppDogg in this song. (Hojoon)
저는 아라리오 리믹스가 좋아요. 리믹스고 해서 버전만 약간 달라졌을 거라고 셍각했는데 너무 좋은 사운드들이 가미되어서 들을 때마다 신나요.개인적으로 탑독 노래 중에 제일 신나는 거 같아요!! (아톰)
I like the Arario Remix. In the remix version only a few little things were changed. It includes ToppDogg’s personalities and the sound is very good and exciting. (A-Tom)
킵스마일링이요. 이별한 후 울고 있는 사람에게 힘을 주고 웃으라고 말해주는 주제가 좋아요. (야노)
Keep Smiling. The song gives sad People the power to smile again. (Yano)
알어. 이유는 곡의 탑독 보컬 색을 보여주고 있는 곡으라고 생각하기 때문입니다. (상도)
Areo. I like it because it shows the great vocal talent of ToppDogg (Sangdo)

9) “ARARIO” is a great song, it’s very original with the sounds of traditional Korean instruments incorporated into it. How did you feel about the song and concept when you first heard it?
처음 들었을 땐 이걸 어떻게 표현해야 난해했어요.가장 한국적인 색으로 표현하려 노력하느라고 여러 가지 시도를 해봤어요. (야노)
When we first heard the song we didn’t know how we were supposed to express that song well. The song includes all Korean colors so we put in a lot of effort and tried several times to present them well. (Yano)

10) You have gained a lot of fans with “ARARIO” – how have your lives changed with your growing popularity?
아직까지 크게 실감할 수 있는 일들은 많이 일어나지 않아서, 전과 삶이 달라진 점은 없는 것같아요. 다만 언제나 어디서나 팬들을 셍각하게 된다는 점이 변한 것 같아요. (상도)
Until now this feels like there haven’t been a lot of things happening during the last time, but before I could think about it life still has changed. I think about our fans all day long no matter where I am or what I do. I think that is something that has changed. (Sangdo)

11) Being a rookie group must be exciting but also tough and challenging! What is your toughest experience so far?
13명의 멤버들이 하나의 색깔을 내기 위한 과정들이 쉽지 않았어요. 각자의 개성이 강해 처음엔 어떻게 우리가 한 섹깔로 융화된 수 있을지 몰라 어리둥절 했는데 이젠 무리없이 저희 13명이 하나의 독특한 개성을 살리면서 어우어지는 것 같아요. 각자의 색을 잃지 않는 게 오히려 13명 일때 더 톡톡 튀는 무대나 음악을 할 수 있게 해주는 것 같습니다. (곤)
With 13 members in one group, it is not east to take care of everyone’s own colors. Each member has a strong personality so in the beginning we didn’t know how we were supposed to become one and harmonize with each other to become the one color. But now a group with all 13 of us became unique and we don’t want to miss a single member. We won’t lose one of our colors but rather be on stage with all 13 of us doing music together. (Gohn)

12) If you had the chance to tour the world, which countries would you like to perform at?
개인적으로 월드토어를 하는 게 꿈인데요! 꼭 유럽에 가서 많은 팬분들 만나고 싶어요.공연을 할 기화가 있었으면 좋겠습니다!! (상도)
We want to go on a world tour one day. Then we can go to Europe and meet all our European fans. If that would happen we would be really happy. (Sangdo)

Now for some fun questions from the fans!

13) Which member takes the longest to get out of bed in the morning?
저요. ㅎㅎ (자진납세) 자고 일어나면 침대와 하나가 된 것 같아 뿌리치기 힘들다. (비주)
Me. After I sleep it’s hard for me to get up again so it takes me a long time to wake up in the morning. (B-Joo)

14) Which member cares about his looks the most?
야노요! 24시간 내내 머리 스타일에 신경을써가며 자기 관리를 철저하게 하기 때문에 야노인 것 같아요. (제로)
Yano! He checks his hair 24 hours a day.Truth is, he’s very concerned about himself. (Xero)

15) Which member gives the best fan service?
한솔이요! 치명적인 섹시한 매력으로 팬들을 유혹하거든요. (제로)
Hansol! He seduces the fans with his sexy charms. (Xero)

16) Who do you think is the most popular member and why?
제로와 상도형인 것 같습이다.공식 팬카페나 트위터 그 외의 사이트들에 탑독에 관련된 글 중에서도 제로와 상도형 글이 많이 올라오는 것 같아요.이유는 무대에서 기억에 남을 만한 표정과 퍼포먼스를 잘 하고, 팬서비스도 잘 해서 인 것같아요. (낙타)
Xero and Sangdo. If you look at our FanCafe and on Twitter and search for ToppDogg Xero and Sangdo are the ones coming up the most. I think the reason is that they do really well on stage and because they give a lot of fanservice. (Nakta)

17) There is a lot of members in your group! What is it like living together?
A, B 로 숙소를 나누는데요. 제니씨, 곤,상도, 낙타, 한솔, 야노 이겋게 여섯,피군, 서궁,호준, 키도, 비주, 제로, 아톰 이랗게 일곱명으로 나뉘어져서 같이 살고 있어요. (피군)
We live with our members divided in 2 dorms. Dorm A and dorm B. Jenissi, Gohn, Sangdo, Nakta, Hansol and Yano stay in dorm A with 6 members while P-Goon, Seogoong, Hojoon, Kidoh, B-Joo, Xero and A-Tom stay in dorm B. (P-Goon)

18) It must b fun when rehearsing (and tiring!) but who fools around the most when practicing? Who is the Joker of the group?
처음에는 야노였어요. 하지만 지금은 누구 뒤쳐지지 않고 다 열심하 합니다. (서궁)
At first it was Yano. But he became a more earnest person with time. (Seogoong)

19) If you could swap bodies with another member of the group who would it be and why?
낙타. 그냥 다른 건 부럽지 않구요. 키만 부러워요. ㅋㅋㅋ (서궁)
Nakta. I’m not envious of him. I just envy him for being so tall. Hehehe (Seogoong)
So there you have it, our interview with TOPP DOGG! What did you think? Were you a fan already, or has reading their honest and fun interview made you interested in hearing more from them?
Big thanks to STARDOM ENT and the boys of TOPP DOGG themselves for taking the time to answer our questions.
Check out their music video for 2014′s ARARIO below!

cr. Love K-Pop
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