Nakta Fancafe post From. ToppDogg
안녕하세요 낙타입니다!
오늘 응원에 힘입어 더 힘내서 무대 한것같아요ㅠ♡
저희모두 한분한분다 만나 뵙고 싶어 안달이 나있는 상태 입니다><.
좀있다 일곱시 저희 봉사활동 하러 삼성동.유익한 공간.가는거 알죠?
많이 많이 와주세요ㅎㅎ
지금 가는 차안이거든요 ㅎㅎ
지금까지 무뚝뚝한.낙타.였습니다
세이~탑독 후!♡♡
[TRANS] Nakta Fancafe post From. ToppDogg
Hello this is Nakta!
Thank you to those who had came down for our performance today and cheer for us ㅠ♡
We are anxious to meet everyone of you as time passes by ><.
Have a look at Samsung-dong's "Beneficial Space" around 7pm. Do remember to come? (Its referring to the Volunteer event for those who don't know ^^)
Lots and lots of people please come later hehe
I am walking towards the car right now hehe
Up till now, this is COOL Nakta.
Thank you.
Say Topp Dogg Ho! ♡♡
[Photo attached:
Official ToppDogg Fancafe:
Trans by firyn (@firyn)
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