Wednesday, January 1, 2014

[TRANS] Fancafe - ToppDogg’s greetings for new year.

Tittle : Happy New Year ToppKlass!!

[131231] Fancafe Update - Happy New Year ToppKlass!
ToppKlass everyone! 
Thank you so so much for the time we spent in 2013!
In 2014 take care of us too!
Please always be together with ToppDogg, forever!
We’re always thankful, once again thank you, we love you♡

Seogoong: To ToppKlass
Hello, ToppKlass!
This is Seogoong who’s eating your love and growing well :)
To me, I think 2013 was a really meaningful and precious year because we were together~ ♡
In 2014 I’ll show you an even more grown up Seogoong, so in the future fill up my page. If we could always be together it would be great.
Always~ Stay healthy and don’t be sick
(Black heart. Empty heart. Heart in flames)
Let’s greet 2014 eating bossam… ♡ (T/N: Bossam = Boiled pork)
Fighting! Topp Dogg daebak! ToppKlass daebak!
Seogoong daebak!

Xero: To ToppKlass
ToppKlass, everyone~ It’s Xero O_O
In 2014 as well, please give Topp Dogg lots of love.
Don’t be sick and always stay strong~~~~ ♡
We’re here because you’re here. 

A-Tom: To ToppKlass
'Say it' as we keep saying it with words we're entering The Year of Horse. It's the time to look back this past year and make new resolutions for the new year, although it's only for a short moment but I hope we're able to~ I hope to end the year well and start a new, colourful year.
I love you, ToppKlass!!

Hojoon: To ToppKlass 
Hello~ This is Hojoon keke
ToppKlass! The Year of The Horse looks bright. It would be great if everyone could do all the things they want to do quick and fast like a horse hehe. We already ate our rice cake soup tody! Like this, our age… T_T
I hope everything goes well for everyone! Don’t be sick!!
2014 with ToppDogg and ToppKlass!!
Adieu 2014, welcome to 2014. Happy New Year~ 

Sangdo: To ToppKlass
Hello, it’s Sangdo~
Finally, the day to look back this past year has come~
I hope everyone’s New Year’s resolutions come true.
Always take care of your diet.
Don’t be sick~~!
I love you… ♡
Happy New Year 

Jenissi: To ToppKlass
Hello, it’s Jenissi.
The weather is extremely cold, but have you eaten?
With the year gone by, it doesn’t simply mean that our age has added by 1 but I hope all of us mature.
I’m always thankful, once again thank you.
Without leaving anyone out, I love you.
Let’s spend 2014 becoming closer. 

Gohn: To ToppKlass
ToppKlass who I love!
I hope you all stay healthy this new year and spend this last day with happiness by deciding on your resolutions! Happy New Year!
I love you ♡

Nakta: To ToppKlass
I’m writing a greeting as we’re welcoming the new year. Happy New Year! I hope everything goes well for everyone. Let’s hit it big in 2014! 

P-Goon: To ToppKlass
Hello ToppKlass!
Suddenly 2013 has passed and it’s already 2014.
We will work hard to make it be Topp Dogg’s year. Let’s end 2014 healthily! Everyone!
I love you ♡

B-Joo: To ToppKlass
Hello ToppKlass!
There’s not much time left until 2014.
Look at the pig on my autograph, receive New Year’s greetings and eat lots and lots of rice cake soup. Always be healthy, fighting to ToppDogg and ToppKlass in 2014!!
Love u ♡

Hansol: To ToppKlass
Hello ToppKlass, this is Hansol. It felt like we just debuted yesterday but I’m already looking forward to leave the last day of 2013 and greet the new year! I was glad and happy to see a lot of ToppKlass in December and I hope ToppDogg and ToppKlass can be happy and have fun in 2014. Let’s make our dreams come true in 2014! In the future, we hope to be ToppDogg who shines on/off stage and ToppKlass can be proud of. ToppKlass don’t be sick, eats lots and take care of yourselves. 2014, aja aja fighting! 

Kidoh: To ToppKlass
Hello! I’m the machine sounds admirer (bbyong bbyong) Jin Hyosang (Kidoh). Seem like 2013 was a really happy year thanks to ToppKlass-nims? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It was ♥.♥ In 2014, leader P-Goon hyung and Jenissi hyung will turn 24 years old and I’ll turn 23 years old. I hope it’ll be a 2014 in which the hyungs will be transferred to the department of defense of the agency and I’ll take over the place of the leader… ♡.♡ I’m just kidding, next year too I’ll work hard running together with ToppKlass-nims so our.existence.fighting! (I’m of the new generation laughs) Happy New Year ^^!
T/N: Instead of just 화이팅 (fighting), 우.존.팅 (우리 존재 화이팅/ our.existence.fighting) is popular nowadays.

Translated by: Topp Dogg Intl

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